Information-filtering-Lw  Christopher-Ram-SUED























































































The things Basil Williams says on the tape have shocked many

Dear Editor,

The recent ramblings during a conversation recorded between two prominent members of society who are supposed to be setting examples in this country come as no surprise to some of us.

Parliamentarian and Attorney-at-Law, Basil Williams

I have always had the feeling that all the atrocious activities occurring in this land of ours, are largely as a result of young people having no proper guidance, and those in high offices not setting examples themselves, even when they are the ones to implement rules, and they are well aware of the laws governing the country.

The fact that the Vice-Chairman of a major political party who is a lawyer and obviously aware of the laws, could be enquiring about firearms entering the Cricket World Cup stadium 'licensed or unlicensed' (as though he's negotiating to have something worked out or to take one in himself) is enough to show what kind of example these people are setting. This was in addition to another part of the conversation where the 'voice one' seems to be trying to cover up a 'gun incident' he was purportedly involved in according to the conversation.

That parliamentarian should be ashamed of himself now and I must say that the contents of his side of the conversation have shocked many in our society.

Many persons residing overseas have been calling Guyana to find out what's going on. Just like a number of citizens in this country they cannot believe the atrocities taking place, but even I cannot explain it.

Yours faithfully,

Delimira James